Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
God is the Creator of everything. When we look around, we can see the beauty and order that He made. Every tree, every animal, and even ourselves are created by God’s hand. Today, we’re reminded that we don’t exist by chance, but because of God’s intentional design.
Discussion Points:
Why do you think it’s important to know that God created everything?
How does knowing that God created us affect the way we live our lives?
Once upon a time, a little girl named Lily asked her dad, “Who made the world?” Her dad smiled and replied, “God did.” Lily looked out the window at the trees and the sky, and she said, “So God made everything?” Her dad said, “Yes, He made everything, and He made you too!” Lily thought for a moment and said, “That means I’m really special to God, right?” Her dad nodded and said, “Yes, Lily, you’re very special to God. He made you on purpose and loves you very much.”
John 1:29 – “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”
Jesus is called the Lamb of God because He came to die for us and take away our sins. Just like the lambs in the Old Testament were sacrificed for forgiveness, Jesus, the perfect Lamb, was sacrificed for the forgiveness of everyone. His love for us was so great that He gave His life for our sins.
Discussion Points:
What does it mean for Jesus to be the “Lamb of God”?
How does Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins affect the way we think about Him?
A boy named Jack had a pet lamb that he loved very much. One day, the lamb got into some trouble and broke a rule that Jack’s family had set. Jack felt sad because he knew there would be consequences for the lamb’s mistake. But instead of letting the lamb be punished, Jack stepped in and said, “I’ll take the punishment for the lamb.” His parents were surprised but let Jack take the consequence. In the same way, Jesus took the punishment for our sins, even though He didn’t do anything wrong.
Genesis 22:8 – “And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.”
When Abraham was going to sacrifice his son Isaac, God provided a lamb as a substitute. This is a picture of Jesus, the Lamb of God, who was given as a substitute for our sins. God had a plan all along to send Jesus, the perfect Lamb, to save us.
Discussion Points:
How did God provide for Abraham and Isaac on the mountain?
Why is it important that God had a plan to send Jesus as our Savior?
Sarah was making cookies one afternoon when her little brother asked her, “How did God make the world?” Sarah smiled and said, “God made everything—He made the trees, the animals, and even us. And God had a plan from the very beginning for how He would save us.” Her brother looked puzzled and said, “How did He do that?” Sarah replied, “He sent Jesus, the perfect Lamb, to die for our sins so that we could be forgiven and live with Him forever.”
John 1:36 – “And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!”
John the Baptist called Jesus the Lamb of God again, pointing to Jesus as the one who came to save us. Jesus didn’t come just to be a teacher or a king, but He came to give His life for us. He is the Savior who came to take away our sins and bring us to God.
Discussion Points:
What does it mean that Jesus is the Savior?
Why is it important for us to see Jesus as the Lamb of God?
One day, Lily and her family went to the zoo. They saw many different animals, from lions to zebras to giraffes. But the one animal that caught Lily’s attention was a small lamb. Her mom explained, “This lamb reminds us of Jesus. Just like the lamb gives its life, Jesus gave His life for us so we can be forgiven.” Lily thought for a moment and said, “So the lamb helps us remember how much Jesus loves us?” Her mom smiled and nodded, “Yes, exactly!”
Revelation 5:12 – “Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.”
One day, in heaven, everyone will praise Jesus, the Lamb who was slain for our sins. He is worthy of all honor and glory because of the great sacrifice He made. Jesus gave His life for us, and because of Him, we can have forgiveness and eternal life with God.
Discussion Points:
How does it make you feel to know that Jesus died for your sins?
What are some ways we can honor Jesus because of His sacrifice?
Ben loved to play pretend, and one day he imagined that he was a knight. He had a shiny sword and a shield to protect him. As he was playing, his little sister came over and said, “I want to play too!” Ben smiled and said, “Okay, you can be the princess.” Ben pretended to fight a dragon, and at the end of the game, he said, “The knight wins, and the princess is safe.” His sister smiled and said, “You’re my hero, Ben.” In the same way, Jesus is our hero. He gave His life for us, and we will always praise Him for being our Savior.
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