RU is a biblically based, Christ-centered recovery program designed to rescue, recover, and restore those in addictive behaviors with the power of the victorious hidden life found only in Jesus Christ.
To the Addict
– RU is the way I found hope and freedom from habits that have held me in bondage far too long.
To the Family/Friend of an Addict
– RU is a place where I found hope for my loved one and help for my deepest hurts.
To the Child
– RU is the place I found security and happiness, and I got my parents back.
To the Struggling Teenager
– RU is a program that reached me with the good news and taught me about dealing with relevant issues teens face.
To the Pastor
– RU is the tool that brought hope to my community and revival to my church.
To the Church Member
– RU is the pathway God used to expose my personal struggles
To the Inmate
– RU is the only place I found freedom, even though I was incarcerated.
To the Chaplain
– RU is the catalyst for lasting change among inmates.
To the Correctional Officer
– RU helped me understand my position and influence as a minister of God for good.
To the Judge
– RU is the program we partnered with to reduce recidivism in our community. Now we see them as productive citizens active in our community.
To God
– RU is one of His greatest tools to accomplish His great commission.
When Do We Meet?
We meet every Friday night at 7:00 PM at Calvary Baptist Church. We do offer childcare for those attending at no cost. If you have any questions, feel free to call our church office at
336.983.3728, or you can call our RU Director, Jim Seagle, at