The Youth Ministry seeks to help teens grow physically, spiritually, and in social interaction with others. We teach our teens how to discern between right and wrong, and to look to the Bible as their final authority. We teach biblical principles and how to apply them to their daily lives. We emphasize the importance of a daily devotional time, church attendance, witnessing and memorization of Scripture. We teach the teens the importance of appearance and right actions and provide many events for them through out the year that will help them learn how to relate to their peers and enjoy live in a safe and godly environment. We believe that teens should be actively involved in the ministries of the church.
Elevate Student Ministry
During the school year, our teens meet every Wednesday evening in the auditorium. Following the first congregational song, our teens will be dismissed to the Elevate Student Ministries service located in the Partners for Christ classroom. Calvary Baptist Church Student Ministries has monthly activities along with weekly opportunities to serve. Please contact Brother Michael Lane to receive our student ministries calendar.
Teen Life Groups
Our teens meet in the Teen Bible Study room every Sunday morning at 9:30, before being dismissed to their classes. We have separate classes for the teen girls and guys, divided into groups based on their grade. The teachers and students enjoy great discussion and interaction during class. Our teachers are always available to teens that need guidance, or have questions.