Ask the Pastor

Thank you for submitting your questions! Below are questions that have been answered by Pastor Broyhill. More will be added as he preaches through this series.

Question: Why did Jesus' mother ask him to make more wine? Why did Jesus call her "woman" instead of mother?

Question: Did Jesus make fermented or intoxicating wine?

Question: Why did Jesus curse the fig tree?


Question: How we got our Bible

Pt. 1 Sermon

Pt. 2 Sermon

Question: Should we pay tithes on tax return monies we receive from the government?

Question: Can you explain "passeth under the rod" in Leviticus 27:32?

Question: Is there a significance in the number 40? It rained 40 days with Noah's ark. The children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. (Pt. 1)


Question: Is there a significance in the number 40? It rained 40 days with Noah's ark. The children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. (Pt. 2)

Question: Why do we as Baptists attend church three times per week (we love it) but is there a biblical reason?


Question: Why do we use the King James Bible? Pt. 1

Pt. 1  Sermon

Pt. 2 Sermon

Pt. 3 Sermon

Question: Death before the cross and Abraham's bosom


Question: Where in the Bible does it say you can never lose your salvation? Why are there passages in Scripture that seem to contradict this truth?

Title: Eternal Security

Pt. 1 Sermon

Pt. 2 Sermon

Question: Does God Hear the Prayers of the Unsaved?


Question: In Matthew 24:40-21, it says, “the one shall be taken and the other left.” Is this a reference to the Rapture or some other event?

Title: Rapture or Wrath


Question: Does God have will or a plan for me? How do you know God's leading in your life? How do you discern the voice of God?

Title: God's Will

Pt. 1 Sermon

Pt. 2 Sermon

Question: If God is sovereign and He’s in control of everything and He already knows what’s going to happen, then what is the purpose to pray?

Title: Why Pray


Question: In the book of Acts, it says to baptize in the name of Jesus Chris. So why are there two methods prescribed, one pre- and one post- ascension?

Title: The Truth About Acts 2:38

Pt. 1 Sermon

Pt. 2 Sermon

Pt. 3 Sermon

Pt. 4 Sermon

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