Teen Camp

DATE: JUNE 8 - JUNE 13    

AGES: Upcoming 7th Graders-graduating 12th Graders

Space is limited. If you are not a member or regular attender of Calvary Baptist Church, please contact Michael Lane to ensure that slots are available.

This Summer, our Calvary Teens will attend Teen Extreme at Pensacola Christian College with Pastor Johnny Pope. We will be going from June 8-13. Please pay the $15 fee for travel meals (2) and a t-shirt. A separate email will be sent to register & pay the $50 registration fee for Teen Extreme. All payments will go directly to Teen Extreme this year.


1. Visit the  Teen Camp Registration Page

Here you will sign up with our church and pay the $15 registration fee which will cover 2 meals (Sunday Lunch and Monday Breakfast) and your camp t-shirt.

2. View the emailed link and register

Here you will register your camper or campers with Teen Extreme

Please fill out all of the requested information for your camper or campers so that you will reserve their place at the camp.

They will ask for the youth leader's Last Name, it is "Lane"

Please contact Jean Corn if you have any questions.

Phone Number: 336.983.3728

Email: jcorn@cbcking.org

Make A Camp Payment
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